a game for make business canvas model

For entreprenorship

How is the score calculated?

To determine whether an idea is "Muck" or "Brass," we consider three key factors:

1). Is the search volume increasing? It’s advantageous to be in a growing market.
2). Is there significant competition? While competition can validate an idea, too much of it can make it difficult to stand out.
3). Are enough people searching for the relevant keywords? If search volume is too low, building a business around the idea may be challenging.

Of course, startups aren’t an exact science—very little people were searching for "couch surfing" when Airbnb first launched.

Trending searches

business canvas gamebusiness model simulationbusiness model workshopbusiness strategy canvascreate business models
Search Volume22K / month
Competition (SEO)15 / 100
Competition (paid)20 / 100
Cost per click$5.57

Search Volume

Last 5 years


Copy-paste the following prompt onto Marblism to build this app

Our software transforms the complex process of creating a business canvas model into an engaging and interactive game, addressing common pain points faced by entrepreneurs, such as uncertainty about market strategy, customer segmentation, and resource allocation. With intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, users can easily visualize their ideas and make adjustments in real-time. Interactive scenarios challenge users to confront typical entrepreneurial dilemmas, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills crucial for navigating the startup landscape. Key features like collaborative templates and progress tracking allow teams to work together seamlessly, ensuring that all voices are heard and integrated into the business plan. Real-time feedback and analytics provide insights into the viability of business propositions, while curated resource links offer targeted learning to fill knowledge gaps. By gamifying the entrepreneurship journey, our software not only simplifies the business canvas model creation process but also builds confidence and strategic thinking among budding entrepreneurs.

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